Wednesday, December 31, 2014


The old tree is leafless in the forest...
The old year is ending in the frost---
The old wound, if stricken, is the sorest---
The old hope is hardest to be lost:
Elizabeth browning

As the year comes to an end, I'd like to thank all the people that put their trust and hopes in my hands. Being a guide in their life's journey has and always will be a privilege, an honor, and above all a responsibility that I never take lightly.

You have taught me and continue to teach me not only how to be a better therapist, but also through your courage and determination to heal how to be a better me. As we are looking forward to a new year together, I want to wish us all the courage to continue with the journey of life and the wisdom to know the hopes we need to nurture and the ones we will have to let go of.

May the new year find and keep us all in good health.

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